GITEX Technology Week: (By: Vaibhav Pradip)

Renowned for its mass technology deals, GITEX Shopper precedes the GITEX Technology Week which discusses some of the most progressive breakthroughs in technology and how they can be incorporated to benefit general consumers.

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Happening between the 16-20th of October, the GITEX Technology Week aims to present to companies and consumers, the various ways the use of technology can be expanded upon.

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With each day dedicated towards a certain sector, progression in fields such as healthcare, retail, education, marketing and many more will be discussed through various presentations, demos as well as live speaker appearances.

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In addition, individual programmers will receive the chance to pitch their ideas regarding various projects they may be working on, in order to progress further while in-house projects from students that innovate will be exhibited throughout the week for companies to examine and potentially implement.

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As an opportunity not only to gain knowledge, but also to share experiences, diversify contacts and grow ones business, many companies from all over the world will be attending the event to reap the benefits. To see some of the inventions in person, definitely register for the event by visiting the link here.

Featured Image Credit: ( Photo)