Revolutionizing Your Ways: The Editor’s Message (By: Maha Jammoul)

As you may already know, our world is continuously changing and we, the humankind, are at the forefront of it all. Technology, science, and engineering, are among the important levers of change.

I’m not certain if you’re familiar with the industrial revolutions but you must know that we have already entered its 4th stage or phase. The first industrial revolution was shaped by mechanization, the second by mass production, the third by computer and automation, and the fourth by cyber physical systems.

What does this imply? Industries will be more reliant on cyber physical systems to effectively and efficiently run business operations and activities. To ensure a working spot in this highly-innovative future, we must learn ‘how to learn’, adapt, and continuously develop our skills and competencies.

Relatively, we at EYAS, strive to continuously improve the quality of the contents we post for you.

Monday will see us reviewing Enab in our Restaurant Review of the Week.

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We get to soar high on Tuesday as we present some interesting aviation-related facts in our Aviation Feature of the Week.

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Call of Duty WWII will be reviewed on Wednesday in our Game Review of the Week.

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Thursday is all about space action as we review Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 in our Movie Review of the Week.

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Finally, Friday will see us getting all futuristic with our Creative Writing Feature of the Week. Tune in!

(Andrei Verner artwork via

Notwithstanding the above-mentioned, I wish you all a happy, productive, and revolutionary week ahead!

Kind regards,

Maha Jammoul



Featured Image Credit: ( Photo)

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