Game Review: Governor of Poker 3 (By:Lahiru Thilakarathne)

The Governor of Poker series was acclaimed as the finest offline poker game available in gaming circles across all platforms. However, there was one critical thing missing, a multiplayer feature. As usual steam came to rescue and they released the first ever Governor of Poker 3 MP.

Different modes of Poker Game (Governor of Poker 3 MP Steam Edition)

Governor of Poker presents you an opportunity to take over Texas. Unlike the Single player where you can only play against the computer and unlock Saloons, now you can involve your Facebook or steam friends. Give and receive gifts from them and make them watch you in conflicting envy and admiration as you soar through the global leader-boards.

The MP Player version is a whole new level from the single player we used to play. This game is made and optimized for all types of users; whether you are a rookie or an expert in poker. However if your new to poker don’t be sad. The Multiplayer version is equipped with a quick first time tutorial. If you are a blackjack fan (Blackjack, also known as twenty-one, is the most widely played casino banking game in the world) the steam edition of Governor of Poker has you covered up. I never got black jack so winning cash out of it was always a bonus for me. (There were time I used to win $50000)

Blackjack (Governor of Poker 3 MP Steam Edition Photo)

The developers of this game kicked off it by making you begin as a rookie. You have to use your skill, intuition and prowess to climb up the ladder by winning games on tables. As you progress through the levels on your journey to become the King of Poker, there are lots of in-game awards, trophies and badges that will keep you motivated. The daily, jackpot spin and 2500 free chips every day will definitely keep you interested. If it doesn’t, I do not know what will. Admit it or not poker without tournaments is always going be boring so  you can pick either one of the six different types of Texas Hold’em Poker tournaments namely, Spin & Play, Royal Poker, Big Win, Push or Fold, Sit & Go and Cash poker games.

10K 3 person tournament ( Governor of Poker 3 MP Steam Edition Photo)

You have the luxury and convenience to make payments for in-app purchases such as chips or gold bars using credit or debit cards but I highly recommend you not to. In the end this is just a game and real money gambling might cause you to be an addict and lose all the money you got in your bank accounts.

With all these amazing features included in the Multiplayer version of Governor of Poker 3, it is quite clear that this game is different and better than most of the other poker games you will ever find. You are given full control of how you want to have fun. For instance, instead of being given a huge list of poker rooms with pro players, you are given  the opportunity to choose the type of table (Rookie or pro) There is zero risk of losing tons of in game money (I’m not referring to buying chips) like you would in a real money online betting poker room. This game will definitely give you the excitement and thrill of real life poker without doubt so I highly recommend all poker fans to try it out since it’s a ‘Free to play game’ on steam

10K tournaments (Governor of Poker 3 MP Steam Edition Photo)

Image Credit: My Governor of Poker account

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