Aviation Article: Falcon 9 Launch (By: Mico Celedonio)

Last Sunday the 19th of February, SpaceX had successfully launched in Kennedy Space Station in Florida. The rocket is dubbed ‘Falcon 9’. The Falcon was used to carry a spacecraft named ‘The Dragon’. The Dragon is set to go to the International Space Station (ISS) carrying various cargo and experiments. The Dragon is expected to reach the ISS two days from launch. The cargo of the Dragon is focused on science and tools needed to conduct various experiments.

The Dragon (commons.wikimedia.org Photo)

During this launch, the Falcon managed to land successfully after the Dragon is sent out to space. Rocket landing have been developed and tested by SpaceX for years now to perfect it.

SpaceX is a privately-owned company that focuses on aerospace specifically on space travel.  SpaceX aims on developing technologies that enables the possibility of space flights for the masses. SpaceX aims to significantly reduce the costs of space transportation. Reducing space transportation costs opens the horizon of space tourism and Mars colonization.

SpaceX logo (commons.wikimedia.org Photo)

One method of reducing the costs is the ability to use a rocket again once used. This method when further developed will significantly reduce costs compared to dumping rockets to the sea.

Falcon 9 landing (forbes.com Photo)

The Falcon landing successfully is another achievement in the future of space explorations. As more landings are achieved by these rockets, the probability of more space exploration increases.

The launch is important for the company following the explosion of another Falcon 9 rocket on its launch pad during September. An unfortunate disaster that destroyed various satellite that cost millions of dollars.

Falcon 9 explosion (spacenews.com Photo)

The landing of the Falcon is a mankind achievement for bringing us closer to space explorations. As time goes by, the sooner are we to travelling to space or Mars just for leisure.

Source: Space.com

Featured Image Credit: (Space.com Photo)

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