Tech Review: Microsoft HoloLens (By: Lahiru Thilakarathne)

‘‘The future is here, and we’re all wearing face masks’’. Welcome to the 21st century! With technology, we have advanced from the ENIAC computer invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly back in 1943 to a virtually holographic computer known as the Microsoft Hololens.

ENIAC First Computer 1946.png
( Photo)

What exactly is a hololens? HoloLens is a holographic computer built into a headset that lets you see, hear, and interact with 3 dimensional holograms within an environment such as a office or living space. Microsoft has built the headset without the need to be wired to a PC and has used high-definition lenses and sound technology to create that immersive, interactive holographic experience.

Virtual Reality through a Hololens ( Photo)

Since holograms are a relatively new technology, the Microsoft Hololens is still under developer’s stage. Regarding its tech, the Hololens is fitted with ‘semitransparent holographic lenses’ that provide 3 dimensional full color holograms. This means not everyone in the room will be able to see the projected image. It is pretty much the same as Google glass but the Hololens uses the real world as the background to overlay the projected hologram.

Microsoft has fitted the Hololens with series of sensors and a highly powered CPU and GPU. The headset contains an ambient light sensor, a camera that measures dept and four cameras to understand the surrounding environment, all of which combine to give you a virtual environment. On the top of the headset is a 2mp camera to capture and record videos and photos and four microphones to record voice.

Microsoft Hololens ( Photo)

As a normal computer would contain, Microsoft has fitted the hololens with 64GB memory, 2GB RAM, Bluetooth and Built in Wi-fi Connectivity. When powered up, the maximum battery life will be three hours. Yes that’s pretty low for a such an advance tech. However, we are still in the developer stage and within the coming years we would see major upgrades to the battery life

Parts of a hololens ( Photo)

There’s no talk about price yet. But Microsoft had given out the developer’s kit for 3000 dollars back in early 2016. So here’s your chance to help Microsoft and change the world! During Microsoft Statement in January 2017, ‘‘Microsoft HoloLens is hopeful that it will be partnering with PC makers including Dell, Acer, HP, Lenovo and 3Glasses, which will release third-party headsets based on HoloLens technology over the coming months. These will be available much cheaper with prices starting at a more attractive $299, although unlike HoloLens they will need to be tethered to a PC’’

Would I consider buying it? Obviously with the features and specs but I would wait for a consumer edition and an affordable price.

Sources Used:,,

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Aviation Article: ‘The Flying Schoolgirl’ (By: Mico Celedonio)

On this date, the 14th of February, an aviation icon was born. Katherine Stinson was born on this date on the year of 1891. Through the years, she earned her reputation to the world of aviation.

Katherine Stinson ( Photo)

Katherine Stinson who was born in Fort Bayne, Alabama wanted to study music in Europe. As a means of earning she decided to become stunt pilot. Katherine managed to convince Max Lillie, who was a pilot for the Wright brothers, to teach her to fly. . On the 24th of July 1912, Katherine became the fourth woman to ever receive a pilot’s certificate in the United States at the age of 21. She earned her certificate by flying the Wright B.

Katherine Stinson beside the Wright B. ( Photo)

Over time, Katherine fell in love with flying and ultimately ditched her plan to travel to Europe for studying music. She had a nickname of ‘The Flying Schoolgirl’ as she flew various stunts across the country.

Katherine managed to earn various accolades in aviation.

  • She is the first pilot ever to do a “loop to loop” stunt by using a plane she built herself.
  • First pilot to fly at night.
  • First pilot to undertake night skywriting. Which was done by using flares to write ‘CAL’
  • First woman to fly in Asia
  • Set a record of flying 610 miles non-stop. A record she broke herself by flying 783 miles.
  • First female commissioned airmail pilot
Setting the bar high
Katherine Stinson: First woman to fly in China ( Photo)

During World War I, she volunteered to be a pilot for the army. Her request was rejected which led her to become an ambulance driver for the Red Cross in Europe. During her stay in Europe, she contracted Tuberculosis forcing her to retire aviation. Katherine died on the year of 1977, age of 86.

Katherine Stinson ( Photo)

Katherine Stinson fell in love with aviation just like some of us. She broke all odds and records when no one could.
A means intended to just earn money to fund her Europe trip became a burning passion. It shows that when the spark of passion is ignited it will fiercely burn all through our lives.

Katherine Stinson: A woman who fell in love flying, born on Feb 14th.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone.

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