Restaurant Review: Wagamama (By: Badria Nassir)

A good high school friend of mine and I are huge foodies, whenever we meet up it’s always to go to restaurants we haven’t been to try new dishes. When she suggested I go to Wagamama, I trusted her opinion and so dragged my family and my mum’s friends there for my mum’s birthday.

Wagamama is a popular Asian cuisine restaurant with branches in Trade Centre Area, The Greens, The Walk and Palm Jumeirah.

We ended up in the branch in Al Fattan Towers which was located at The Walk. There were a couple of staff outside the door who were quickly ready to sit us at a table. I heard that the staff at Wagamama were known to be really friendly and that I can definitely vouch for. They asked us how our day was going and helped us decide what would be the best dish suited towards our preferences.   

Wagamama in The Walk ( Photo)


For our starters, we decided to order steamed chicken gyoza (dumplings) and fried duck gyoza. I had a bad experience with dumplings once so I was really hesitant to try one but at that moment I was much too hungry to go back down memory lane so I tried the fried duck gyoza. All I cay say after trying that is that dumplings had officially redeemed themselves that night. The chicken gyoza was also not too bad but I preferred the duck much more.  

Fried Duck Gyoza ( Photo)


For my main course, my mum’s vegetarian friend told me to try tofu for a change and so I chose the yasai pad thai which was rice noodles with tofu and vegetables. I kept threatening my mum’s friend that if I didn’t like it then I would be taking her vegetable Thai green curry and rice instead.  

When the dish arrived in front of me, everyone at the table was dramatically watching and waiting for my reaction and I think some were even disappointed (i.e. my evil brother who wanted me to suffer) when I told my mum’s friend that she can keep her dish. I quite liked the tofu, to be honest. I can’t quite describe what tofu tastes like but it was pretty good, especially because of all the spices used.  

Yasai Pad Thai ( Photo)


Once we were done, we decided to end the night with a dessert to celebrate my mum’s birthday and we decided by “consensus” (i.e. everyone else didn’t care for my dessert suggestion) to order the white chocolate and ginger cheesecake. A part of me was excited to try the cheesecake because of the unique flavour but another part of me really did not want to know what a ginger cheesecake would taste like. Oddly enough, when the cheesecake arrived, I was the one who ate most of it however, to this point I still don’t know if I like it or not. It was somewhat delectable but at the same time, the ginger was so strong that it threw me off slightly.    

White Chocolate and Ginger Cheesecake ( Photo)


The night was great, the restaurant was definitely “a must come back to” in my books and I definitely would recommend it to anyone who has a love for Asian cuisine. It’s quite pricey but if you happen to have the Entertainer coupon app or book then you are good to go! If not, I would still suggest it because, in my opinion, it’s definitely worth the money. 
Each person also gets 2 free servings of green tea, if that’s not motivating enough to go then I don’t know what is!

Featured Image Credit: ( Photo)