Movie Review: Trolls (By: Sayjel D’Costa)

It was just one of those lazy days where I needed some colour in life and that’s when I came across this animated movie; Trolls.

The story begins by opening up a scrapbook of felt cut-out about the lives of a teeny-tiny race called Trolls. They are cute tiny trolls, whose lives revolve around singing, dancing and hugging all in one hour. Unfortunately, their normal lives were interrupted by atrocious giant neighbours known as Bergens. They admired the trolls’ happiness and tried to inculcate that in their normal lives to be happy but it was not possible and so instead they ate the trolls to feel happy –cannibalism at its finest!  

The Trolls Village was then invaded by the Bergens and the trolls were held captive to celebrate a day known as Trollstice; and on this day they would eat the sweet-tastings trolls. On one fine Trollstice day, the brave King Peppy of the Trolls Village fights back and makes a plan to escape from the Bergens with a war cry “No Trolls left behind” and so troll-looking dolls were used to look like them and an escape route was set to get away from the Bergen town. Due to his heroism and bravery, he was well loved by his people and what he had done, remained a Trolls Legend.

King Peppy ( Photo)


For twenty years, the trolls were in a safer place and far from being eaten until Princess Poppy grew of age. She was one of the happiest and excited trolls and happiness is all she wants around her. So she and her friends throw one of the biggest, loudest and craziest parties to celebrate the Troll’s escape; ignoring the warnings of having such a loud party given to her by a gray and dark haired looking troll named Branch. Branch’s warning and fears comes true when the chef from the Bergens Town finds them and captures Princess Poppy’s friends Dj Suki, Biggie, Guy Diamond, Cooper, Satin and Chenille and Fuzzbert.

A Bergen ( Photo)


Knowing that no one would dare to enter the Bergens Town to help her save her friends, she decides to adventure out by herself. While she was on her way to Bergen’s Town, she gets entangled in the cobweb and before she could get eaten alive, Branch comes to save her and they both head to the Bergen’s Town to help save their friends.

Princess Poppy and her Friends ( Photo)


All the characters are quite loveable, Princess Poppy has got you smiling throughout the movie and with Branch by her side; the comic doesn’t stop there.

The beginning of the movie seemed so predictable – loud party attracting the Bergen after being warned and that’s what happened. It seemed like an obvious storyline, but towards half an hour of the movie, you would enjoy the company of the characters Poppy and Branch as they find their way to their friends and befriends a Bergen’s scullery maid Bridget. Bridget is really adorable and all she wants is the Prince Gristle of Bergen’s Town to love her as much as she does.

The Adorable Bridget ( Photo)


This movie doesn’t fail to impress as the love story of the scullery maid Bridget and Prince Gristle is shown in a similar concept as the Cinderella movie – “the missing skating shoe”.

Bridget and Prince Gristle Skating ( Photo)


Overall, the movie has left a good impression on me. It surely doesn’t fail to leave a smile on your face and towards the end, it would surely get you grooving to the music (it did for me). That’s all you need for the weekend, right?

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BAC Concorde (By: Mico Celedonio)

Commercial aviation had always been somewhat the same since jet engines are used as propulsion. Key differences between commercial aircraft had been its size and capacities. This resulted in commercial aircraft flying at subsonic speeds for all commercial flights. One aircraft, however, challenged this limiting factor; the BAC Concorde.

British Airways using Concorde ( Photo)


The Icon

With its first commercial flight occurring around 1976, the Concorde became a classic icon in aviation history. With the aircraft flying twice the speed of sound, no other commercial aircraft ever reached those speeds with the exception of the Tupolev Tu-144.

The Concorde offered unparalleled service to the public with its sheer speed. The Concorde flew routes in less than half of what would a commercial airline take.

With this in mind, a Concorde flight is not cheap. Therefore only a few select customer bases are the only ones that could afford flying in a Concorde. It became a symbol of luxury and wealth.

Concorde’s heart

The Concorde is capable of reaching Mach 2 speeds or twice the speed of sound. This is possible thanks to 4 Rolls-Royce/SNECMA Olympus 593 Mk610 afterburning turbojets.

Rolls-Royce/SNECMA Olympus 593 ( Photo)


Along with the engine, the Concorde reached supersonic flight thanks to its design. The Concorde features a double delta shape wing to help the aircraft fly at supersonic speeds.

Concorde Double Delta Wing ( Photo)


Another design feature of the Concorde is its droop nose. This design enabled pilots to see clearer outside during taxi, take-off and landing operations. This design is implemented since the aircraft nose limits the pilot’s visibility.

Concorde Droop Nose ( Photo)


The Downfall

From a business standpoint, the Concorde is a bad aircraft. High operating and maintenance costs led airline companies using the Concorde for flying select flights only. This essentially raised Concorde flight prices.

Airline operations for the Concorde changed due to aviation events. One being a Concorde crash in 2000 and the World Trade Centre attack in 2001. Aside from these events, aircraft overhauls for the Concorde cost millions which airlines could not afford. Another factor for discontinuation is the withdrawal of Airbus to discontinue its maintenance support for the aircraft. Airlines had no choice but to stop using the aircraft. The aircraft was officially retired at 2003.

In total, there are only 20 Concorde aircraft built, 6 of which were prototypes. The remaining aircraft are displayed in various museums worldwide.

The Concorde is a nightmare from an economic perspective, regardless it has been an icon in aviation despite its flaws. From an engineering perspective, however, it is a masterpiece. The Concorde showcased on the possibilities human spirit can achieve. It showcased what could be possible when there are no limitations. It showcased what happens when envelopes are pushed. It showcased what can be achieved when great minds think alike.

Concorde Design ( Photo)


The Concorde: The envelope pusher. The technological marvel. The engineering masterpiece.

Sources Used: 

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Restaurant Review: The Market Place (By: Badria Nassir)

For my brother’s 18th birthday, we decided to go to The Market Place in Mariott Al Jaddaf to celebrate. With the use of Entertainer Coupons, 10 of us got to enjoy a lovely buffet.

The hotel was located in the middle of nowhere but that made it all the better, we didn’t have to get stuck in traffic or have to wait for our cars to be valeted.

Marriott Hotel Al Jadaf ( Photo)


They had a large table set up for us once we got to the restaurant and as soon as I put my purse on the table, I was the first to run to the appetizers area. Instead of taking the smaller appetizers plate, I took the one for the main course which earned me a defeated shake of the head from my mother. I piled my plate with hummus, moutabel, vine leaves, vegetable sushi (darn my seafood allergies), tabbouleh, pickles, chicken dim sum and bread. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the moutabel and the tabbouleh needed more lemon but the sushi and chicken dim sum definitely were the best.

Appetizers area ( Photo)


Once I took a well-deserved break (of 2 minutes), I went for pumpkin soup and breadsticks. It was pretty good but it left a weird taste in my mouth.

For my main course, I had vegetable Thai curry with corn rice, aloo gobi, roasted potatoes and chicken tawook. I loved the Thai curry and the aloo gobi, they were so flavourful and delicious. I wanted to go for seconds but my stomach, annoyingly enough, was not allowing me to.

I could barely move which was nature’s way of telling me to stop eating for a while.

& I tried, I tried to wait but the dessert cart was calling my name.

Dessert area ( Photo)


I couldn’t resist and so walked over and got myself a mango panna cotta, carrot cake and fruit salad. The mango panna cotta was amazing, I finished the glass in less than a minute.

By then I was way too full to eat another bite which was really saddening because there were tons of other dessert options I had yet to try but couldn’t because of my silly uncooperating stomach.

When the staff brought out the cake for my brother, I could barely move so I sang while slumped on the chair and thinking of ways to digest my food faster but couldn’t.

Badria and her mother, brother and the cake that got away (Michael Maclennan Photo) 


Overall, it was a lovely experience and the only downside was the variety of main course dishes were quite lacking. Other than that, the night went well; the staff was friendly, ambiance was great and the people we were with to celebrate Suheil’s 18 birthday made the night the greatest.

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Preparing for the Best: The Editor’s Message (By: Maha Jammoul)

You might have heard that failing to prepare is preparing to fail or poor planning equates to poor performance. Whether or not you agree with these statements, you can’t deny that sometimes, planning, in general, can save us time and energy. If we have a draft plan at least, we’ll have a faint idea of how to go about a topic, project, or a situation opposed to not having a plan at all.

Planning can serve as a basis or foundation for implementing or executing something important. Hence, we should bear this in mind upon entering a new semester.

Relatively, we, at EYAS, planned this stimulating line-up for you this week:

As usual, Monday will be a foodie’s favourite as we’re going to review The Market Place in our Restaurant Review of the Week. 

The Market Place buffet ( Photo)


Tuesday, on the other hand, will see us discussing BAC Concorde in our Aviation Article of the Week. 

BAC Concorde ( Photo)


On Wednesday, tune in for our review on Clash of Clans in this week’s Game Review. 

Clash of Clans Game ( Photo)


Inspire your inner cinephile by reading our review on Trolls in this week’s Movie Review. 

Trolls Movie ( Photo)


Lastly, catch our Creative Writing Feature of the Week this Friday on Home. 

There’s No Place Like Home ( Photo)


You can always send us your comments, feedback, queries, and even your work to be featured online by e-mailing us at

May this upcoming semester be in your favour academically, professionally, and socially! Have a pleasant and cheerful week ahead!

Kind regards,

Maha Jammoul



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Movie Review: Passengers (By: Sayjel D’Costa)

Ever since my friend told me about this movie, it captivated me after watching the trailer. Knowing that one of my favourite actresses Jennifer Lawrence was starring in it, all the more I wanted to watch it in the theatre and not wait for it to be out online.

The movie begins by giving information about the status of the Starship Avalon. It carried 5000 passengers, all heading towards earth-like-planet, Homestead II. The starship was set in auto-pilot and everyone on board was placed in a sleeping pod, which is to keep them alive for a period of 120 years.

Starship Avalon ( Photo)


However, due to an unexpected collision in space, one of the sleeping pod malfunctions and Jim (played by Chris Pratt) is the only one awake on the Starship Avalon and the only one to keep him company was the robotic bartender Arthur (played by Michael Sheen).

Jim and Arthur ( Photo)


Jim is an engineer looking forward to having a new life and a new love in a new world but to his dismay, he wakes up 90 years too early with no way of getting back to sleep. Taking an advice from the bartender to have fun; he begins exploring the whole of the ship.

After surviving a year of solitude and going out of his mind, Jim stumbles upon Aurora’s sleeping pod and he begins to learn about her. Gradually, as he learns more about her life, the more he wanted to talk to her in person and this leads him to do one grievous mistake, which can be said “out of selfishness” as he awakens Aurora (played by Jennifer Lawrence) (SPOILER…or maybe not?). He struggles to tell her this and keeps it a secret between him and the robotic bartender.

Jim and Aurora ( Photo)


Aurora is this smart, joyful and adventurous woman, who wants to be the first one to write a book about Homestead II. She is then made to believe that just like Jim, even her sleeping pod had a malfunction and after multiple attempts made by her to break into the cockpit, she gives up and the two passengers decide to enjoy one another’s company.

Jim and Aurora talking ( Photo)


The movie then changes from being focused on the self-centered man to the tragedy of a woman whose life has been stolen by the self-centered man as she finally learns the truth – most typical bad-boy kind of a love story. A full on rage was performed by Jennifer Lawrence, as a girl who is extremely broken-hearted and who cannot escape from the bad boy, Jim.

However, the malfunction on Starship Avalon does not prevent them from being apart for long as the Starship needed them both together to save the ship from sinking like a “Titanic”. And that’s when the movie has got you at the edge of your seat sending chills down the spine, as you hope that both are safe and sound and back together.

Overall, it’s a great film, a love story that is set in space. It lets you know what choices one makes when it comes to love. If given the chance to hibernate for 88 years and waking up in a new world with the memories of the man you once loved –  would one take it or would you rather live with that man and make memories with him? This was one touchy film that got me leaving the cinema happy. So as a heads-up, those who wish to watch this film don’t expect it to be astronomical kind of a movie like Interstellar.

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Tech Review: Lynx (By: Vaibhav Pradip)

The Consumer Electronics Show happens in Las Vegas every year. It serves as a platform for many companies to present their innovations. But at the same time, we see a lot of futuristic technology alongside the more commercial products. This year’s approach was geared a lot towards smart appliances and homes and undoubtedly came a lot of robots. Ubtech Robotics was one such company that introduced us to Lynx and it became an instant hit.

Lynx ( Photo)


The robot is powered by Amazon’s Alexa and can complete a lot of tasks a normal virtual assistant can. It is able to schedule appointments, play music and converse with you. Unfortunately, it won’t be able to take out the trash.

The technology behind Lynx is quite special. The company has combined speech recognition, language comprehension and a search utility to make the robot a very handy tool around the house. With its WiFi connectivity, you can even make video calls with the inbuilt camera.

What makes it different from an Amazon Echo or Google’s assistant is the fact that it can follow you around. The problem of not being in range is eliminated but for some people, it may get a bit creepy. Others, however, can appreciate how far technology has progressed. Who knew we would have robots that could dab in 2017?

Lynx Strikes a Pose ( Photo)


For now, not much about pricing and availability is confirmed regarding Lynx. Having just been showcased at the technology show, a premium price is expected. It will most likely set you back between $800 (Dh 2900) and $1000 (Dh 3673). Would you buy one? I’m going to hold back until I can afford a smart home first.

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Supermarine Spitfire (By: Mico Celedonio)

The Supermarine Spitfire or Spitfire is easily the most recognisable plane of its era. With its accomplishments through various missions, it has rightfully earned its reputation.

Spitfire ( Photo)


The Spitfire is a single-seat fighter aircraft used by the RAF (Royal Air Force) and Allied nations. With its first flight in 1936, it has become the go-to interceptor aircraft. Throughout the Spitfire’s lifespan, numerous variants were developed and produced. The Spitfire is one of the aircraft that served in the Second World War.

There are various improvements on the Spitfire as the years pass. The Spitfire is powered by a Rolls Royce Merlin engine with various improvements along the way.

Rolls-Royce Merlin Engine ( Photo)


The Spitfire features a monocoque frame with a long wing design. The most notable design of the Spitfire is its elliptical wing design. This provided the aircraft with low drag for high performance while being able to house guns and armaments on its wings.

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Spitfire’s Elliptical Wings ( Photo)


Early versions of the Spitfire housed a .303 Browning machine guns to 20mm cannons on later versions.

The Spitfire was put to the test during the Battle Of Britain. In this battle, Luftwaffe (German Air Force) attacked Britain by flying a squadron of planes set out to bomb RAF bases. The Spitfire along with Hurricanes intercepted the Luftwaffe. While Hurricanes targeted the bombers, the Spitfires intercepted fighter escorts. With the battle spanning from the 10th of July to the 31st of October of 1940, the Spitfires successfully defended Britain from the Germans trying to destroy Britain’s air defence.

Spitfire during the Second World War ( Photo)


This battle made the Spitfire to be recognised as a force to be reckoned with. With the successful defence against the Luftwaffe, the Spitfire earned a legendary status.

Due to the success of the aircraft during the war, citizens of Britain were encouraged to raise funds to build more Spitfires. This in return further heightened the reputation of the Spitfire.

After the Battle of Britain, Spitfires are used on various missions that require air superiority. From the Air Battle of Malta to the D-Day, Spitfires are found in the skies supporting Allied forces. Production for the aircraft lasted from 1938 to 1948.

With its success and huge contribution to the victory of the second world war the Spitfire has rightfully earned its reputation beyond any reasonable doubt.

The Spitfire: The legendary; The fighter; The defender.

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Restaurant Review: Cafe Retro (By: Badria Nassir)

Café Retro, I believe, is Mirdif’s greatest hidden gem. It’s a quaint little coffee shop located in Al Barajeel Complex with both indoor and outdoor seating areas.

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Cafe Retro Exterior ( Photo)


The coffee shop, as the name suggests, has a real retro appeal to it; slightly dim lighting, jazz music, Charlie Chapman episodes played on a projector, pictures of Marilyn Monroe (however the subject picture does change every now and then) and more.

2015_1_caferetro_base (1).jpg
Cafe Retro Interior ( Photo)


The moment I stepped foot inside the café, I knew this was going to be my regular spot. The ambience was great and the music was pleasing to the ear (I wasn’t subjected to the irritating songs played on the radio), it definitely was a great first impression.

Once we sat down, the waitress came with the drink and food menus then proceeded to tell us about the soup of the day, best dishes and the best drinks to order.

We ordered a margarita pizza as our main dish and chocolate milkshakes for our drinks. I was really hesitant in ordering a chocolate milkshake because a) I don’t like chocolate b) I don’t like the way many restaurants make their chocolate milkshake, they always add way too much milk or they use some strange-tasting chocolate powder.

However, Christina, the barista, claimed that I’ll change my mind once I try how she makes the chocolate milkshake. She even let me watch how she made it which was just blending London Dairy double chocolate ice cream and milk. It was absolutely delicious and I came back every weekend for it.

Since the café was fairly empty, while we waited for our pizza we were having a chat with Christina and Melissa, the waitress. They were so down to earth and hilarious, it was a blast speaking to them.

The pizza was incredible, I finished the entire pie myself and had to ask my friend to order another one for herself. It was just what I assume an authentic Italian pizza would taste like.

While we ate, we took a look around at the different customers. We noticed how comfortable they were at the café, how they interacted with the staff and how the staff used personalisation when taking their orders. The manager would pass by each table, most of the tables would invite him to sit with them and offer to buy him something.

We were in awe at how they managed to make the café feel like home.

I was so in love with the place that I asked the manager if there was a chance for me to volunteer here over one of my long breaks which he thankfully said yes to. During my break, I worked 5 times a week as a waitress and it was such a great experience. The staff were so helpful, they taught me everything I needed to know before I got to serve my first table. I got to learn a lot working there for a couple of months as well as meet a lot of lovely people.

It’s been a year since I last worked at the café and to this day whenever I pass by, all the customers I used to serve would wave or ask me how I’m doing.

I would really suggest Café Retro, it’s a great place for group projects and individual study or even to just hang out with friends.   

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The Old and The New: The Editor’s Message (By: Maha Jammoul)

How’s new year treating you, thus far? Very well, I hope. Are all of your resolutions still in place and still intact? Worry not if you’re feeling the heat and things are getting uncomfortable for you; In order to welcome the new, you have to shed the old. To let go of the old, you have to get out of your comfort zone. So, if you’re feeling fraught, fret not!

Here’s our line-up for this week. Hopefully, it can help ease your way through this awakening and shedding period of yours!

On Monday, catch our review before indulging in the delicious food of Cafe Retro in our Restaurant Review of the Week. 

Cafe Retro ( Photo)


Let’s soar the sky this Tuesday with our Aviation Article of the Week on Spitfire Aircraft.

Spitfire Aircraft ( Photo)



Wednesday will see us reviewing an AI robot known as Lynx in our Tech Review of the Week. 

Lynx ( Photo)


Drop everything and make time for this special review on the movie Passengers this Thursday in our Movie Review of the Week. 

Passengers ( Photo)


Finally, on Friday, tune in to catch our Creative Writing Feature of the Week titled #NotAllMen #YesAllWomen.

Yes We Can ( Photo)


Don’t forget to submit your work to be featured online by e-mailing us at

Have an enjoyable and brilliant week ahead!

Kind regards,

Maha Jammoul



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Creative Writing: The Light Inside Us (By: Mico Celedonio)

There’s light in everyone
It makes us who we are
What we show to the world
What makes us glow

Like any light to ever glow
It shines, fades, and burns
When it dies so does our lives
Drifting away, carrying despair

It can take time to fix
By something, someone, no one
The main point is this
Our light can be fixed

If your light has faded
Worry not it can be replaced
Something or someone will
no matter how uncanny it is

Our light may change once replaced
It can be brighter or change colour
Embrace it’s glow, hold it close
Let it shine through your clothes

There’s light in us
It glows brightly or faintly
You may not see yourself
For someone it glows brightly

No matter bright our light is
Someone can use it to see
To see in this dark world we live
To guide others to what they seek

Don’t hide the light to others
For it can also be used to fix
To revive and re-light
The light inside of us

With the new year ahead of us
Let us glow together as one
To guide the lost and the damned
As we journey through a sea called life

To guide, relight, burn bright
To inspire and admire
That’s how we use our light
The light inside us

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