Movie Review: Trolls (By: Sayjel D’Costa)

It was just one of those lazy days where I needed some colour in life and that’s when I came across this animated movie; Trolls.

The story begins by opening up a scrapbook of felt cut-out about the lives of a teeny-tiny race called Trolls. They are cute tiny trolls, whose lives revolve around singing, dancing and hugging all in one hour. Unfortunately, their normal lives were interrupted by atrocious giant neighbours known as Bergens. They admired the trolls’ happiness and tried to inculcate that in their normal lives to be happy but it was not possible and so instead they ate the trolls to feel happy –cannibalism at its finest!  

The Trolls Village was then invaded by the Bergens and the trolls were held captive to celebrate a day known as Trollstice; and on this day they would eat the sweet-tastings trolls. On one fine Trollstice day, the brave King Peppy of the Trolls Village fights back and makes a plan to escape from the Bergens with a war cry “No Trolls left behind” and so troll-looking dolls were used to look like them and an escape route was set to get away from the Bergen town. Due to his heroism and bravery, he was well loved by his people and what he had done, remained a Trolls Legend.

King Peppy ( Photo)


For twenty years, the trolls were in a safer place and far from being eaten until Princess Poppy grew of age. She was one of the happiest and excited trolls and happiness is all she wants around her. So she and her friends throw one of the biggest, loudest and craziest parties to celebrate the Troll’s escape; ignoring the warnings of having such a loud party given to her by a gray and dark haired looking troll named Branch. Branch’s warning and fears comes true when the chef from the Bergens Town finds them and captures Princess Poppy’s friends Dj Suki, Biggie, Guy Diamond, Cooper, Satin and Chenille and Fuzzbert.

A Bergen ( Photo)


Knowing that no one would dare to enter the Bergens Town to help her save her friends, she decides to adventure out by herself. While she was on her way to Bergen’s Town, she gets entangled in the cobweb and before she could get eaten alive, Branch comes to save her and they both head to the Bergen’s Town to help save their friends.

Princess Poppy and her Friends ( Photo)


All the characters are quite loveable, Princess Poppy has got you smiling throughout the movie and with Branch by her side; the comic doesn’t stop there.

The beginning of the movie seemed so predictable – loud party attracting the Bergen after being warned and that’s what happened. It seemed like an obvious storyline, but towards half an hour of the movie, you would enjoy the company of the characters Poppy and Branch as they find their way to their friends and befriends a Bergen’s scullery maid Bridget. Bridget is really adorable and all she wants is the Prince Gristle of Bergen’s Town to love her as much as she does.

The Adorable Bridget ( Photo)


This movie doesn’t fail to impress as the love story of the scullery maid Bridget and Prince Gristle is shown in a similar concept as the Cinderella movie – “the missing skating shoe”.

Bridget and Prince Gristle Skating ( Photo)


Overall, the movie has left a good impression on me. It surely doesn’t fail to leave a smile on your face and towards the end, it would surely get you grooving to the music (it did for me). That’s all you need for the weekend, right?

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