Tech Review: Lynx (By: Vaibhav Pradip)

The Consumer Electronics Show happens in Las Vegas every year. It serves as a platform for many companies to present their innovations. But at the same time, we see a lot of futuristic technology alongside the more commercial products. This year’s approach was geared a lot towards smart appliances and homes and undoubtedly came a lot of robots. Ubtech Robotics was one such company that introduced us to Lynx and it became an instant hit.

Lynx ( Photo)


The robot is powered by Amazon’s Alexa and can complete a lot of tasks a normal virtual assistant can. It is able to schedule appointments, play music and converse with you. Unfortunately, it won’t be able to take out the trash.

The technology behind Lynx is quite special. The company has combined speech recognition, language comprehension and a search utility to make the robot a very handy tool around the house. With its WiFi connectivity, you can even make video calls with the inbuilt camera.

What makes it different from an Amazon Echo or Google’s assistant is the fact that it can follow you around. The problem of not being in range is eliminated but for some people, it may get a bit creepy. Others, however, can appreciate how far technology has progressed. Who knew we would have robots that could dab in 2017?

Lynx Strikes a Pose ( Photo)


For now, not much about pricing and availability is confirmed regarding Lynx. Having just been showcased at the technology show, a premium price is expected. It will most likely set you back between $800 (Dh 2900) and $1000 (Dh 3673). Would you buy one? I’m going to hold back until I can afford a smart home first.

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